The following table shows the starting game time based on the age group for the Winter Season 2024:
FRIDAYS | Age Groups | Age Groups | Age Groups | Notes |
5:20pm | 7 years | NetSetGo | | |
6:15pm | 8 years | | | |
| | | | |
SATURDAYS | | | | |
8:00am | 9 years | 10 years | | |
09:20am | 11 years | 12 years | | |
10:35am | 13 years | 14 years | ||
11:55am | 15 years | *17 years Div 1, 2 & 3 | Tri Series 23s | |
1:15pm | *17 years Div 4 | 21 years | Tri Series Opens | *17 years are split over 2 timeslots |
2:30pm | Seniors (Odd Divisions in Round 1 (Games 1-7) e.g. Div 1/3/...) | Seniors (Even Divisions in Round 2 (Games 8-14) e.g. Div 2/4/..) | Tri Series Championship | |
3:45pm | Seniors (Even Divisions in Round 1 (Games 1-7) e.g. Div 2/4...) | Seniors (Odd Divisions in Round 2 (Games 8-14) e.g. Div 1/3/...) | | |
These times have been allocated mainly due to umpiring requirements & also on the request of teams to enable them to borrow players more easily.
Senior players please note that playing courts & umpiring duties will change in the second half of the season.
Refer to the Fixtures for individual games times per week once they are released.
Are these the same game times for 2025?