Following tonight's recall selection for a C/WA position, NNA are pleased to announce the NNA 14 years Representative Team for 2023.
Ella Tighe
Ellazae Elers
Emmerson Dooley
Eve Power
Jorja Gamble
Lexi Leyshon
Lucinda McNabb
Marli Gilmour
Piper Bullen
Zara Checker
Co-Coaches – Janine Hobbs & Traci Baber
Assistant Coach - Siobhan Quinn
Manager – Monique Smith
For the successful recall player, please ensure that you text your ‘FULL NAME' + 'I ACCEPT’ to 0458 939 551 – Monique Smith by 9th June, 2023
As per the Selection Candidate Details google form, all selections are final.
